

maybe my favorite picture of us ever

Finally, my Christmas recap post! Better late than never, right? My husband and I decided to have a quiet Christmas this year after hosting Thanksgiving at our place. We really, really enjoyed it and were basically bums all day. His big gift this year was an Xbox One. My family went all out and spoiled me this year with so much from my horsey wishlist. It honestly deserves its own post – so here it is!


My aunt very sweetly printed and framed an older photo of Nibbles – the one from her About Nibbles page. The flowers were from my husband just because. And the rest of it were my horse-related Christmas gifts this year. Cue massive squeeing!


My first surprise came by way of my sister who bought me a set of Leistner brushes. I had some of them many moons ago but they got stolen at a barn we ended up having to leave in a hurry. I’ve wanted new ones because they’re the best thing ever but honestly didn’t think it was worth spending that much money on brushes when I wasn’t riding regularly. This fall/winter, I have decidedly started riding again and I put them on my Christmas list thinking a girl could dream. My sister is the best!


When my sister asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told her the brush set or a nice leather halter for Nibbles. Obviously, the halter was more expensive (by a lot) and I really didn’t think either of these things would be realistic (we had already talked about little things to get for one another a while back). The brushes came in the mail first which was a huge surprise so I never imagined she would get me both.


Have I mentioned my sister is the best? She went in with my parents and got me my dream halter for Nibbles. I’ve always wanted a really nice, padded 3/4″ leather halter with a nameplate. I mean, what girl doesn’t want one for their shiny pony? I may have freaked out a little…okay, a lot, when it came in the mail.



beautiful and stitching and padding oh my

The next one I kind of knew I was getting because it’s all I asked for from my husband and my parents. I’ve been riding in an older (9+ years) helmet and I’ve never owned one that cost more than like $50. I’ve been coveting a One K and told myself that I’d save up and get one when I got back in the saddle (and not just for sporadic lessons). I accomplished that this year with the help of Elise and Joker.


I absolutely love my new One K Defender. It fits like a glove and I love how it looks. I didn’t think I’d be into the matte look but I decided I should take a chance and that’s what I asked for. I’m so glad I did. I’ve been in a velvet helmet for 19 years. It’s time for that part of the hunter princess in me to die hahaha.


Taking my step daughter for a spin, sporting my new gorgeous helmet<3

The next gift was a pleasant surprise that I was a part of. When hubby and I went to see Nibbles a couple weeks ago, we stopped at a local tack shop that was closing and had everything super marked down. Nibbles snapped the browband on her Stubben this summer and I haven’t replaced it yet. I only have the one black bridle so when I saw one super discounted, I pounced.


It’s a really inexpensive brand so it won’t last forever but it will serve as a great back up when she graduates to something fancy, hopefully next summer. Plus, I mean, new shiny bridle? Yes pwease.


Inexpensive materials but it’s soft and the padding and stitching aren’t half bad really.

The last gift was made for Miss Nibbles by Elise and I just LOVE it. Nibbles’ color is that deep merlot/maroon color which she knows. Nibbles is a Shagya Arabian and, like warmblood studbooks, they have their own brand. Elise did a stunning job of hand painting the Shagya Sun on this brush in our colors. I used it on Nibbles when she gave it to me and told her it would probably never leave my house again because it needs it’s own pedestal.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Coming soon, an update on Joker… is omeprazole helping? Also, what are my goals in 2016? Blogger is going to try to be a real blogger!

9 thoughts on “Christmas

  1. Erika says:

    I currently have a tipperary helmet that gets the job done, but I looove the One K – the fit and profile are wonderful! Totally on my wish list. 🙂

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